Continuing from the last session, we are writing what you should know about Japan marketing. 



Honour and reputation are highly valued in Japan and so guarding your reputation is crucial. Negativity about your products or ethics could be highly damaging because other people’s opinions hold a lot of sway. In fact, Japan is the only country where consumers see users as a more reliable source of product information than experts. According to the 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer, Japan came 26th out of 28 nations surveyed for their level of trust in institutions.

This means two things for your brand. Firstly, user reviews and testimonials are essential to build trust. If you aren’t already using them, find a way to incorporate them into your content strategy.

This can even extend to product or store launches. Japanese consumers are incredibly “queue-rious”. When asked for their reaction when they see that a queue has formed, 88% said they’d be interested in what’s going on. Of these, 60% said they would stop to investigate and 3% would join the queue without even knowing why.

So if you want to build excitement about your brand or a new product, consider hosting a launch event with queued entry – it’s sure to pique the interest of potential consumers.



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