Japan is a perfectionist culture.
This means that quality and attention to detail are paramount in every aspect of business.
Trains always come on exact time, and they announce “We are very sorry” if they come late for 3 min or later.
In Japanese culture, people greet each other in a particular order based on their position in the hierarchy. Japanese business culture is strong on formality.
Regarding Japanese perfectionism, according to the “Japanese Consciousness” survey conducted by NHK in 2018, about 60% of Japanese people answered that they “think they have to be perfect”. In addition, over the past 30 years, the degree of Japanese perfectionism has been increasing, and particularly social perfectionists have increased by as much as 32% . (Ref :nhk.or.jp. everyday-evident.net)
This means that there’s a certain way to do (and not do) things in the workplace. For example, you should be punctual, polite, and professional at all times.
One of the traditions in Japanese culture is the concept of ‘kaizen’. Kaizen is difficult to translate but has come to mean seeking continual improvement; it’s about eliminating defects and trying to find better ways of doing things.
My first job after graduating college was as a factory production consultant at Japanese sewing machine company. I learned so much about Kaizen then.
For example, the Japanese denim industry embraced artisanal fabrics precisely because they made sense as a business venture. Textile company Kurabo first produced its muraito slubby yarns after observing high European demand for irregular denim fabrics.

In conclusion, if you want to expand your business in Japan, you should deliver on your promises and meet the high expectations of your customers. You should also be punctual, polite, and professional at all times. It is important to understand the Japanese culture and customs and build relationships with your Japanese counterparts before discussing business matters. Finally, you should embrace the concept of kaizen and seek continual improvement in everything you do.
I hope this helps.
By the way, hello, I am Ami.
With a decade of community leadership experience, in Japan and with global tech companies, I collaborate with B2C brands to build their communities in Japan.
Speaking domestically, and internationally, from Germany to Oregon, USA, I thrive helping brands and businesses boost their community in the Japan market for increased leads and awareness.
I worked for Pinterest Japan as a third member, and also worked for facebook Japan, where I was the only Japanese in my new community team.I also have a certified travel tour guide in Japan, confirmed by the Ministry of tourism.
If your company is expanding business into Japan , please contact us. I can help you fit in Japan market, and help you understand the Japanese market.